精子不好导致胎停吗 关于精子你真的了解多少?

  I’m not sure if this is the case.

  1, can be very sure to tell you, sperm is not good will definitely lead to the phenomenon of fetal abortion. Although everyone will feel very sorry after the occurrence of fetal abortion, but I hope that this time we do not just drown in the pain of losing the baby. We should find the cause of fetal stoppage, especially for families who still want to continue to have a baby, and should find the cause and then treat it properly.

  2, in fact, the experts clinical research shows that the phenomenon of fetal arrest, 80 percent are due to sperm problems caused. So I hope that sisters do not just blame themselves, and premarital examination is not a unilateral thing for women, men must also do.

  Especially those men who have irregular living habits and love to drink and smoke, they should actively do pregnancy preparation checkups to ensure that the tragedy of fetal abortion does not occur as much as possible.

  The whole process is very wonderful and complicated, and only after the sperm and egg are safely in bed, can the pregnancy be successful. However, in the process of pregnancy, if the fertilized egg does not develop properly, the phenomenon of fetal abortion occurs.

  Experts have pointed out that due to the excessive pressure of contemporary male work and unhealthy lifestyle habits, resulting in the possible existence of sperm malformations, so the absolute majority of the causes of fetal abortion are related to sperm.

  4, sperm is very critical, if the male sperm is not healthy, then the fertilized egg is not healthy, when encountered with this not strong sperm will be easy to occur the phenomenon of fetal arrest. Therefore, men must check the quality of sperm between pregnancy, once found sperm failure, please do not actively cooperate with the treatment.

  And when preparing for pregnancy, quit smoking and drinking at least 3 months in advance, so as to ensure a healthy baby after the combination of healthy sperm and healthy eggs.

  The more energetic and healthy sperm you have, the higher the success rate of conception and the less abnormal problems will occur when a healthy sperm and a healthy egg are combined. So we must try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not do anything that will harm the next generation, only a healthy body is the most basic guarantee for a long life with your partner.


上一篇 2023年1月6日
下一篇 2023年1月6日


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