昆凌如何在产后快速减肥 这样做不瘦才怪

In everyday life, many moms get headaches because they have just had a baby and are still thinking about their slim bodies. So, what does a mom need to pay attention to? After two months of giving birth, she quickly recovered and already leaned forward 46 kg, she shared her post-pregnancy weight loss tips in a Facebook post and couldn’t help but exclaim “breastfeeding thin fast!” Still did not forget to remind pregnant women no matter what is the most beautiful, full of motherly love of beauty. The following put the baby home of the editor for you to compile the weight loss recipe of Kun Ling it, for you to find the fastest weight loss shortcut.

One, Kun Ling has a recipe for weight loss

Straight pencil legs, bright smile…… two months after giving birth, the body recovered quickly “sister-in-law” Kun Ling, recently appeared in Shanghai airport.

The company has already lost 46 kilograms before the pregnancy, but it also posted on the Internet to share the secret of post-pregnancy slimming: “Feeding mother’s milk is fast!”

Many netizens are deeply envious, but also have questions: Why is breastfeeding so fast?

After the October pregnancy nutrition reserves of the mother, the body stored a lot of calories and fat.

And breastfeeding facilitates the mother’s body to release extra calories and accelerate the body’s metabolism to achieve weight loss without dieting, in the order of abdomen, legs, arms and face.

Easy to rise, easy to retreat mountain streams and water, easy to reverse and easy to repeat small hearts.

The stream in the mountains rises and falls for a while, and the heart of a villain is also capricious.

Experts say that breastfeeding can consume an extra 500 calories a day, equivalent to the calories consumed in a two-kilometer run, half of which come from food and the other half from the fat that accumulates in the thighs and arms during pregnancy.

Second, breast milk plus exercise is the best remedy

“Obviously, I insist on breast milk, why can’t I lose weight?” Many netizens exclaimed: unfair.

Nothing else, blame the diet over nutrition! The medical staff introduced, many new mothers although breastfeeding, but in the diet with unscientific, so that they are over-nourished, causing fat. But you can’t diet and lose weight while breastfeeding, otherwise it will have a great impact on your body. The best way is to strengthen the exercise, as well as maintain a good figure.

Moms within a month of breastfeeding cannot do strenuous exercise, but they should turn over more, get out of bed earlier, and walk around more. After a month, you can do lighter chores, and after a few months, you can insist on walking every evening for exercise. And turning more often can prevent the uterus from favoring one side or the back side, and also help the malodex to clear as early as possible.

Those who say it’s right or wrong must be right or wrong.

If a person is keen to talk about right and wrong, it means that he has a problem of his own. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of the situation. The company’s main goal is to provide a platform for the development of a new generation of companies that will be able to offer a wide range of products and services.

Three, breastfeeding do not step into the 8 misunderstandings

Mother angry when or just after angry breastfeeding, will let the baby inhale the milk with toxins and poisoning, the lighter sores, the heavier sick.

2. Feeding after exercise:

3. Lying down to feed:

Laying down to feed can easily cause your baby to vomit. The correct move is for the mother to take a sitting or mid-sitting position, put one foot on a small stool, hold the baby, and gently hold the nipple with the thumb and index finger in the other hand to feed.

Near the water, you know the nature of the fish, and near the mountain, you know the sound of the birds.

Frequently at the water’s edge, you are naturally familiar with the nature of the fish; birth words on the mountain naturally know the call of the birds.

If you want to be in the industry, you can do it.

4. When breastfeeding teasing:

Baby laughing when breastfeeding because of teasing can make the vocal door of the larynx open, the inhaled milk may accidentally enter the trachea, the lighter choking milk, the heavier can induce aspiration pneumonia.

5. Weight loss during breastfeeding:

Weight loss during breastfeeding can lead to a decrease in the quality of milk, which is not good for the health of the baby.

6. Timed breastfeeding:

Now we advocate “on-demand breastfeeding”, that is, whenever the baby cries or the mother feels that she should feed, that is, pick up the baby to feed.

These are the most important factors in the development of a new product.

7. Only wean during work:

Storing breastmilk not only gives babies the privilege of continuing to enjoy breastmilk, but also keeps mom’s milk flowing and prevents the pain from rising. Milking can be done with a milking machine or by hand. The expressed milk should be placed in a sterilized glass or plastic bottle with a sealed cap. Ideally, breast milk storage bags should be used, which are currently available in the domestic market. Milk in storage condition can be kept at room temperature for 12 hours.

8. Only one side at a time:

Only one side at a time, the breast is stimulated less, and lactation is naturally reduced. For this reason, each nursing should try to feed both sides. Even if the baby is full after eating the milk from one side of the breast, the mother should empty the other breast.

Four, weight loss taboos

After the baby is born, many mothers want to lose weight quickly by controlling their diet. I do not know that at this time the maternal body has not returned to its pre-pregnancy state and needs to be replenished with energy, if

After the birth of the baby, it will be depleted of energy, when the family will give the mother tonic. But too much of the tonic will make moms gain weight. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the food after giving birth to the tonic

Abdominal obesity is the first problem every new mother faces, so some babies use belly bands to restrain the flesh of the abdomen in the early days so that the belly is not too loose. However, the body is at its weakest during the new

monthly period, when it needs to fully recover and replenish its energy. In addition to this, there are frequent breastfeeding sessions during the month that require a lot of energy

so don’t try to lose weight in any form to get back in shape during the month anyway, it can seriously hurt your body. However, it is also important to note that during the menstrual period, the body is not

weak after childbirth and therefore exercise is not appropriate for 2 months. When the delivery is 2 months old and the body has recovered, mothers can start with low-intensity exercise, gradually

6. Avoid not taking obesity seriously

As we all know, sleep is the best way to beauty and slimming, therefore, new mothers must avoid sleeping too late. In addition, since newborns can disturb moms’ rest from time to time

and in order to maintain adequate sleep, it is recommended to share the care of newborns and not to take everything on yourself.

Warm Tips

Breastfeeding is also the fastest way to get back in shape after giving birth, as the body uses the excess fat to make human milk.


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